Saturday, August 20, 2011

Balsamic & Butter Glazed Carrots

Carrots for dessert?  With this concoction, almost!  This is an easy spin on our little, orange, vitamin A-packed friends.  I whipped it up on Friday when I made dinner for my coworker and I.  She approved.

Basic ingredients:

Carrots, peeled
1 Tbsp butter
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
Black pepper

1) Chop carrots into one-inch strips, halved.

2) Melt butter over medium heat.  Add carrots and cook for 5 minutes.

3) Add balsamic vinegar and sugar, stirring frequently for an additional 5 minutes, until desired tenderness is reached.

4) Remove from heat, top with fresh black pepper and serve hot!



Unknown said...

Big thumbs up from the "co-worker"!

Unknown said...

Thumbs up from the "co-worker"!

Unknown said...

Thumbs up from "co-worker"!

Anonymous said...

they're great in cocount oil & topped wtih cinnamon too :)